back to reality, oh, there goes gravity….

The months are flying by. I am once again proving what a horrible blogger I am. I remember back in the day (2006) when I blogged every day, for probably close to 2 years. Then I just got…busy, bored, old…I don’t know what happened. But something changed and I just didn’t blog like I used to. I’d like to get back at it (but, I’ve said that more than once)….it feels sort of like my daily resolution to lose 10-15 pounds. I say it way more than I probably mean it and I never put in the effort to actually do it.

Except for that one month, where I lost almost 10 pounds. Then I gained it, and then some.

Well, Christmas has come and gone. It was a very busy few days. I had my parents visiting and my brother and his family came over for Christmas dinner. The kids were excited, hyper and full of tantrum beans. But overall it was a pretty good day. Outside of getting into a verbal disagreement with my brother, my crying, him getting defensive, nothing getting resolved and us just quietly pushing it under the rug and pretending it didn’t happen…fun times I tell you.

Thing 2 (T2) got his MRI results back. Kind of. I say kind of, because the doctor called with them and then couldn’t explain them, which was a total let down. All I do know is some of it came back totally normal (good thing) and some of it came back questionable (bad thing)…the questionable part could not be explained. I had follow-up questions that could not be answered…,so again we wait. Again we are left wondering how NF is going to impact our littlest of littles.

T1 is just a ball of awesomeness. He really is. He can be high-energy, annoying, cranky, cuddly, crusty and a cool little dude. He will be 3 in one week. The other day in the store he told me “mom, look a hexagon!” My first thought was “oh, crap, what’s a hexagon again?…then my eyes scoured the shelves until I saw a stop-sign shape box of chocolates, then my brain clued in….I don’t know where he learns this stuff, because I sure am not teaching it to him.

Married life is good. It isn’t great, it isn’t bad. We are out of our little rut we were in….we have chosen to put more effort into our relationship, into our marriage. We just have to be reminded that it’s work. It isn’t easy. It isn’t always fun. And some weeks, months (heck probably years for some) are hard. But after every valley is a peak. So we are on our way to that peak.

That’s it on this end.

2015 is coming up and I am looking forward to making all kinds of resolutions I won’t keep and promises I will soon forget.